It’s Monday! Today I start!

13 November, 2006 DietDiva

Well, here I am.

I “hit the wall” yesterday and decided that this is it!  Time to do some thing about all this weight that is accumulating on my body.

It is just too sad to tell the whole sordid story, but to put it in a nutshell, I am at the heaviest I have ever been in my life and SOMETHING has to be done about it!  I have tried Weight Watchers Online – lost nothing (got too lost and confused)… and The Sonoma Diet Online – which was too much like hard work.  So have got out my Kiwi Kiss and Middle Age Spread books and am absolutley determined to lose at least 4kg before Christmas.  I need to lose 20kg, but I am setting myself small targets so that I don’t feel like it is too much to lose all at once.

 I think I will reward myself when I get down to 80kg by doing something special – not sure what yet, but even losing ANY weight would be a bonus so that I can start feeling more comfortable in my clothes…<sigh>

Well, this morning I weighed 84.5kg. I am only going to weigh myself once a week, so hopefully next Monday will see me weighing lighter.

I have been very “good” so far today.  It is late afternoon and I have made it so far.

Can I resist my usual glass or two of wine before dinner…. Sure I can!  After all, it is only day one….;-)

Wish me luck!

Entry Filed under: Diet Daze

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Yvonne  |  13 November, 2006 at 6:47 pm

    I do wish you luck, I started at 84 plus kilos too and its taken a long time to get down to the present 60 kilos. If you find a easy way to resist that glass of wine let me know:-) I am trying to get strong enough to shed another 3 kilos…so yep I need luck and strength as well:-)

  • 2. dietdiva  |  14 November, 2006 at 8:26 am

    Wow! Thanks Yvonne. It is wonderful to have someone respond to my Blog! Makes me feel even more positive today!
    Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!!!

  • 3. sharon  |  22 November, 2006 at 1:24 am

    Hi, Babe you are so brave go Girl.

  • 4. JO  |  25 November, 2006 at 4:24 pm

    How is the diet going, hope you have been able to stick to it. Christmas is coming, a bad time for dieters, wish there was an easy way (sigh) still good luck, I am still trying to make a start. Was walking a lot but hurt my leg so havnt been out for a while, hope to get back to it again soon.

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